
Erotic Short Story: The Midnight Snack
Something clattered in the darkness. “Jesus Christ!” she jerked and turned around. The light switch clicked on. “Oh, it’s you,” she signed with relief, “you half scared me to death.” “Fear fear,” a voice teased, stepping into the orangish glow of the refrigerator light. “midnight snack attack?”

How to be a Goddess of Beauty in 9 Unusual steps
Attention, ladies! This isn’t the conventional “how to be beautiful”rundown. We’re not going to talk about the new trendy shade of lipstick, how to lose 3 pounds, or dress like every other bitch (no offense) in a hundred-mile radius. No. Our goddess of love and beauty is…

You Are a Goddess, and I Have Proof. A MUST-READ!
On a day like this, many years ago, 400 million people started a race. At the end of it, only one of them was tenacious and worthy enough to reach the finish line, that person? We’ll get to that later. This person ran that race with grit and…

Erotic Story: Uncle Charlie (Cont’d)
Aunty Kathy was leaning over the railing, and Uncle Charlie was behind her, squatted between her legs. Her flowery tea party dress was lifted over her bum and her red lacy lingerie dangled around one ankle. He ran his palms over her bum, gently nuzzling his…

Why I renounced the Sexual Revolution
Before we get started, I want to ask that you keep an open mind. If you champion the message of the sexual revolution, I’m not here to try to change your mind or even to challenge your views. All I ask is that you temporarily suspend your…

Erotic Story: Uncle Charlie
I have a crush on my uncle. I have a silly crush on my uncle, and I don’t know what to do about it. His name is Charles Uchenna “Uche” Nwagu, but my siblings and I have called him uncle Charlie ever since he…

Why are Women less Sexual than Men?
If you’re a human being on God’s internet, you most certainly have come across a man complaining about how “my wife is never in the mood ” or perhaps across a woman asking some sex guru why she doesn’t enjoy sex as

7 reasons why Sex Tips for Women suck!
Lose 10 pounds…
Wear this lipstick…
Buy this lingerie…
Try this position upside down with your legs hanging in the air…
Who on earth are the men or women writing these things!
The sex tips that we read promise to

I’m Sending You a Love Letter!
At the end of this post, I will let you in on a secret, but first I’m just so excited to be here! We will have many conversations just like this one and I’m sure they all will be fun, intense, and pretty exciting!
We will talk about…
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