I'm M'
chief editor, Erosgoddess.com
I'm building an army of women who remember who TF they are.
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I had sex for all the wrong reasons the first time.
I was young, naive, in love with a man i thought would be the love of my life, and armed with tons of wrong information. It was over in one… two… three seconds.
This encounter opened my eyes, and also the flood gates to so many negative emotions.
I fought with insecurity, shame, guilt, and there was this general feeling of being “bad” that I couldn’t seem to shake off.
I knew something wasn’t right. I knew I that a part of this had to do with the training i recieved in early childhood/teenagehood, and I was convinced that there had to be another way, and I was determined to find it.
I come from a tightly religious family, and initially when I rebelled, I found comfort in the arms of the very popular sexual revolution movement.
I bought into these ideas, and I love how they encouraged me to question everything – something i still do until this day, however, it didn’t take me very long to realize that something else was missing. While it was great that I dared to question what was considered norm, I knew that I hadn’t found the “sweet spot” yet.
Eventually, I was spurred into embarking on a journey that meant going deeper into my feminine and what it meant (for me) to be human first and then a woman. It opened my eyes to so much.
I found the secret to expressing myself fully, and by doing so, I was now better able to enjoy (and not shame or criticize) the full expressions of others.
I found love and began to grasp the idea of what love (of self, others, and the all) really is.
I found balance, and for the first time in my life, I found myself living in a way that felt completely peaceful, paced, and nourishing.
I found humanity and insight – a way to look compassionately at the humanity of others, and to understand their complex psychology in many cases just by insight/ intuition.
I found a way to forgive myself, and in doing so, I learned that I was better able to forgive others.
I knew I had struck gold; I had to share this with the world!
Why Eros Goddess?
Whenever I have conversations with women about sex, womanhood, their bodies, and what it means to be human, we almost always end up in a predictable spot. It is either that they speak about pain, disappointment and trauma, or that they are trying to elevate their consciousness, femininity, and experience of life.
Unfortunately, I see many women start with the right intentions but try to elevate themselves using all wrong tools and advice:
“Act like a prize and you’ll make him a believer”
“Fake it until you make it”
“Men love bitches, be a bitch”
“Act like you’re not interested”
“Learn how to play mind games”
“Withhold sex or give sex accordingly to achieve your selfish mission”
“Lose 10 pounds”
“Act like a karate ninja in bed” (even when you clearly know you’re not enjoying it)
“Show him how lucky he is to have you.”
Gosh, what a mess! Eros Goddess had to come into being.
In a nutshell, Eros Goddess is a vehicle for consciousness: consciousness of self, consciousness of sexuality, and consciousness of the feminine nature; I invite you to go on this journey with me.
We will talk about love, and life, and sex. We will unravel the mystery of discovering your body, as well as your truest, highest, sexiest self. We will examine the similar experiences we share, and how they have led us to believe certain things about our selves that aren’t true.
We will laugh and share a virtual coffee, as we gradually realize that those things no longer have to bind us.
I hope along the way, we get to be friends, bound by triumphs and experiences as strong as blood as we uncover, discover, and rediscover our selves in ways we have never done before.
Notice how I keep separating “our” or “your” from “self” (or selves)? Well, that is because often, this image we have of who we are (or who we should be) does not come close to touching the reality of our highest potential. On our journey together, our goal is to tap into that highest potential: yours, as well as mine & everybody’s.
We will share stories, question ideologies, discuss books, breathe through meditations, and revel in sex stories that do not debase us or trivialize our sexual experiences.
We will not just share them, we will own them and learn what we must so that we may be informed enough to make better choices. These choices will go on to impact every aspect our lives and hopefully, empower the next generation of goddesses that come through us to choose better as well.
As a result of the content you read, watch, and listen to here, you will become a better, braver, sexier, and more confident version of yourself because you have done the inner work. You will raise our vibration, and if you wish, you will be equipped to attract a partner that matches your vibration.
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“Eros Goddess is a Vehicle for Consciousness."
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